

You will know evil when there is disparate process & punishment for two different parties accused of the same crime.

It is a very short distance from voluntary “conformity” to forced “compliance”.

Diversity in journalism is most desirable. But fabrication of stories, dismissal of facts, and outright lying is not.



can leave us confused with terminology if we are not careful. Binary thinking can be myopic and lead to the wrong actions.

Just as there are the 3 contrasting spacial directions of left vs right, up vs down, & forward vs backward, there are contrasting terms to describe political position. So here is a list that is far more than 3 dimensional.

communism vs capitalism
(gov vs
private ownership)

socialism vs individualism
(conformity vs

fascism vs libertarianism
(restrictive vs

liberal vs consevative
(disregard vs
careful thought)

tyranny vs democracy
(one vs
two party rule)

globalism vs nationalism

left vs right
(an aggregate
of the above)

So which would you rather be

(See the movie I DELORES on TUBI)


To be a “Democrat” means you believe in citizen election systems. It is derived from the Greek word, “democracy”. Democrats tend not to believe in a “republican” form of government. To be a “Republican” means you believe in a representative form of government. However, in a “republic” representatives can be appointed or elected. So it is critical to qualify what type of “Republican” one is. Current qualifiers include “left/liberal”, “centrist/moderate”, and “right/conservative”. And these same qualifiers apply to Democrats. However, this somewhat binary description can be misleading if we do not know the difference between “left” and “right”. So it is important to drill down as to the exact meaning, which is the reason for the preceding contrast of terms.

It really matters not whether one is a democrat or republican. What does matter is the specific type of democrat or republican one is. And this is where “socialism” comes in. Socialism stands in contrast to individualism, which means collective conforming demands as opposed to individual independency. The danger exists of demands for conformity turning into demands for compliance, which can turn into tyranny. Socialism can and does often become the pathway the injustice “fascism” or “communism”, and hence, tyranny.


A key question to ask ourselves is: Under what circumstances is independence vs unity justified? Commonality is definitely a factor in support of unity. But geographical distance, language and cultural differences are factors supporting independence.

Certainly, a one world government is far from desirable. But neither is a chaotic unruly free for all world.

Moderation in all aspects of life is the best optimization in governing life.

Before the current democrats came along, we had that. But now Biden is crushing it.


More than likely, the Biden admin sees today’s US nationalists as the equivalent of the violent Irish Republican Army. This is what we call “STEREO TYPING”. And it is completely wrong.

Irish Nationalists want(ed) complete separation and independence from England. US nationalists don’t want separation, BUT MERELY WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO DO ITS JOB PROTECTING THE BORDERS. So the Biden admin has done an immense disservice to US nationalists.

This little history of Irish Republicanism may be where we are in the US.

Further reading of political history reveals that “radicalism” is unique to the left as opposed to “social conservatism”

Today’s Biden admin has all the ear marks of radicalism.

Until seeing the documentary I DELORES, it had always bothered me that the IRA called themselves “Republican”. But that movie showed they considered themselves “SOCIALIST” Republicans as opposed to “TRADITIONAL” Republicans who they hated.

So once again we have socialists waging war and violence. Nothing new.

In 1921 Britain gave independence to Ireland. But six Northern counties wanted to remain in in the UK. This was not good enough for the. greedy IRA. So they began a war of crime and violence, just like all “socialists”.

Socialists call themselves “republican”. But that is a lie, because they only represent themselves. Socialists call themselves “democratic”. But that is a lie, because they do not honor a two party system. Socialists claim to support human rights. But that is a lie, because they cancel freedom of speech and imprison political adversaries.

Socialist politicians exploit minority malcontent to cause violence for the purpose of attaining power over police and military to use in over throwing our form of government. Their ruse has nothing to do with “human rights”. CS LEWIS.
“You might think that your love for humanity is sufficient to justify any other action. BUT THE MINUTE YOU MAKE ONE CAUSE YOUR ENTIRE PURPOSE, YOU FIND YOURSELF FALSIFYING EVIDENCE AND BECOMING A TREACHEROUS PERSON.”


One word… JUSTICE.

Before Obama was elected in 2008, the border crisis was already under way, with California already in the control of left wing nut jobs calling everyone opposed to opened borders a “racist”. And then, Jamiel Shaw, a young black kid just out of high school with a promising football career was shot and murdered by an illegal right in front of his home, while his mother was serving in Iraq. We watched the pain and suffering of this family as they sought justice from the so called “virtuous” democrats in LA who denied this family from being heard and comforted in their loss, thereby exposing once and for all the Democrats absolute lies and hypocrisy.

When Donald Trump was running for POTUS in 2016, his first thing was to give air to Mr Shaw, Jamiel’s father.
Donald Trump is the REAL THING. If you truly want truth and justice, then put him back in charge.



Having spent years trying out solar generated electricity, I would say IT WILL NEVER COME CLOSE TO REPLACING FOSSIL FUEL. And even the addition of wind generated electricity will not help. That is not to say that each has not its place.

Here is a good comparison of space station solar panel size to occupant capacity.

Max occupants = 7

8 panels each = 112 x 39 ft

That is almost 5000 sq ft per person.

How would you like a house of 5000 sq ft for just one person?

So how much does a wind turbine really produce?

Average wind speed is about 6.5 m/s, giving an average power output of 900W (from power curve). Average energy per day is 900W x 24h = 21,600 Wh or 21.6 kWh.

In my 800 sq ft home, I can use up to 600 KW-HRS in 30 days, or 20 KW-HRS per day.

Therefore, one wind turbine would barely power my house, despite the turbine having the ability to generate more power.
Looks like we need more global warming to produce stronger wind.

Maybe Pelosi, Kerry, Biden, et al should be giving their speeches in front of a wind turbine.