With the influx of illegal migrants and in view of the wide spread fraud in the 2020 election, a great concern has arisen regarding the integrity of our national election system. What is herein is to suggest a solution to that dilemma.
Our current election system is a piece of crap. It is a hodgepodge of manual and batch systems ripe with fraud. That a secure online real time election system has not been made available by now is an absolute crime. So what would an online real time election system look like?
Well first of all you need to identify and separate citizen residents from non-citizen residents with a unique Voter-ID number. There is now a huge call for a Voter-ID system. More specifically it should be called a citizen id system, and the fact remains we already have it in the form of a State Department Passport ID.
However, not all US citizens have a passport id, meaning they don’t have a citizen id number. So we have to ask if there is not another source of unique citizenship identification that we can merge with passport ids to form a more inclusive voter identification system. And the answer is “yes”. It is the federal medicare system.
So we can develop a unique voter identification system using passport numbers and medicare numbers. A simple unique alpha prefix appended to the passport-ID different from a similar prefix appended to the Medicare-ID would allow the two different number sources to be used as a unique Voter-ID.
But then again, there are still voter eligible citizens who have neither a passport or medicare id. What about them? We must leave that to a little latter when it comes time for them to vote.
What is a database, you ask?
It is a filing organization and access system.
Here is a diagram of what it would look like.
(Too small? On your phone, expand it. On your computer, right click and open image in new tab.)
So how does one read this diagram?
Each box represents a “record type” having a specific data content & format different from the other boxes that represent different “record types”. (Note: the word “record type” is used interchangeably with the word “record”). Boxes at the top are basic entity record types & accessible via their ids. Unconnected diagonal lines into some of these top boxes indicates they are directly accessible. As you can see, there are 4 basic entity record types: year, nation, state, & person.
Lines connecting top level boxes to lower level boxes are links from top level records to lower level record types, thus forming a chain of lower level records. The top level box is said to be the master record type of the lower level detail boxes. For each top level master record there can be any number of lower level detail records.
So for example, given a nation id of USA, one could directly access the USA record & then traverse the state chain to access all the states within the USA. Similarly, one could access all the counties within a state by traversing the county chain. And so on.
Although the default direction of traversal from master to detail records appears to be downward (or forward), upward (or backward) traversal from any detail to master can be possible before a person actually votes. However after vote occurs, traversal in either direction between a voter-ballot-link record and a voter-location-link record should be restricted to the voter for privacy reasons. Today’s average browser-to-website user should not find this method of navigation too difficult to understand.
The database would be maintained on a federal computer, where the feds would initialize Voter-ID records from a cleaned version of the State Department’s passport system allowing only citizen records to be used, non-citizen records being excluded. In addition, the feds would initialize the Nation and State ID records for each state , these being fixed entities. And for each State ID, the feds would create backdoor sign-ons with passwords to be used by the state for its administrative duties.
In a fashion similar to the feds, each state would be responsible for creating County IDs and would create backdoor sign-ons with passwords for each county to be used by the county for its administrative duties
In a fashion similar to the state, each county may elect to setup precincts where it would be responsible for creating Precinct IDs and would create backdoor sign-ons with passwords for each precinct to be used by the precinct workers for their administrative duties in conducting its elections.
Given this initial setup, each state, county, & precinct would have online access to their particular portion in this database file system via their respective id and backdoor logon.
Every state election worker, every county election worker, every precinct election worker, every candidate, and every voter must be a citizen with a Voter-ID. But as we previously noted, not every US citizen will have a passport or medicare number, & therefore will not have an established unique Voter-ID in the database. This makes it necessary to provide an alternate means of validating citizenship.
An individual, regardless of their level, state, county, precinct or voter
should be able to create a logon in order to make requests, like asking
the next level up to assign a unique Voter-ID after submitting proof of citizenship with picture. In doing so, it should be possible to confirm that the requester does not already have a Voter-ID. If they do not already have a Voter-ID, one will be created for them and linked to their logon. It should be that simple.
Of course, not every body may have a cell phone or computer. In this case they must go into the county registrars office to apply. And if they can’t do that, then a ballot notary is required. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS A BALLOT TO BE PROCESSED THAT DOES NOT HAVE SOME EVIDENCE OF CITIZENSHIP.
After establishing a Voter-ID, a candidate for an office would have his Voter-ID linked to the office he is running for. This would be administered by the level at which the office exists.
Of particular importance before each election is the validation and creation of the voter-ballot-link records for each Voter-ID record. This process establishes the voter rolls for each specific election. It begins with a person submitting a voter-id-ballot-request record to an authorized state employee who initiates a search of other states by checking each states registered-voter-year-check record. If no such record is found & everything else checks out on the person, the state employee creates a single year-voter check record, followed by setting up the voter-ballot-link records leaving blank the candidate-selection button in each voter-ballot-link record.
The database is now ready for the voter to make his candidate selections by clicking the appropriate candidate-selection button in each appropriate voter-ballot-link record, at which time a write-permission lock is placed on the voter-ballot-link record. This would prevent anyone from changing candidate-selection button and the corresponding link to the selected candidate record.
For secrecy/privacy purposes all cast voter-ballot-link records should be locked from updating by anyone other than the voter and as soon as they are counted. With this one exception, all should be able to view any record at any time, thus providing complete transparency and veracity of an election. In other words, everyone can look anywhere but not touch.
In addition, currency of vote tabulation is essential. As soon as a voter has locked his voter-ballot record, his vote should be counted and tallies by candidate should be made available. Washington DC should be connected to each state & have access to each state database for the purpose of rolling up ballot totals for each national candidate by state.
Currency of the voter rolls is essential and a responsibility of the feds. Voters who have died would have their Voter-ID record flagged as such. But aside from that, there are bad players who would try to vote more than once. This should be averted by looking out for duplicate Voter-ID and ballot requests in & across all states.
What would be the advantages of an online real time election system?
First, the election should be completed within 2 days, if not sooner.
Second, the voter would cast his ballot directly into the database, thereby eliminating anybody other than the voter from touching his ballot.
Third, a voters ballot choices would remain unknown to anyone but the voter.
Fourth, since there is only one machine involved, auditing software should be comparatively, making it easy in identifying any other anomalies.
There will always be some ding dong who insists on having a paper ballot which necessitates having a batch input system.