

With the influx of illegal migrants and in view of the wide spread fraud in the 2020 election, a great concern has arisen regarding the integrity of our national election system. What is herein is to suggest a solution to that dilemma.

Our current election system is a piece of crap. It is a hodgepodge of manual and batch systems ripe with fraud. That a secure online real time election system “database”  has not been made available by now is an absolute crime.


What is a “database”, you ask? It is an electronic filing organization that provides entree point access to “External-Master Records” which in turn provide navigatable link chains to more “Internal-Detail Records”. It is a piece of electronic infrastructure contained on a serving computer. And just like a geographic infrastructure requires an accessibility map, so does a database.

A database “schema diagram” is a map of the external access to & internal connectivity  between “record-types” within a database. Each record-type is represented by a big rounded rectangle, aka, box, in the database schema diagram. The external access to a record-type is represented by a small arrow headed by an oval pointing into the record-type.  And internal connectivity between record-types via link chaining is represented by a line between rounded boxes, where the line may or may not be terminated with a directional arrow. 

As a side note, think of a “record-type” as a single template or layout representing any number of records consisting of the same record format. If you wish, you can call a “record-type”  a “record-template” . A “record” is  defined as a fixed length string of data broken into contiguous fixed length “data fields”, with each “data field” consisting of a contiguous fixed length string of textual characters.

Also as a side note, “link chaining” is a method connecting records together wherein the first record is the master record that contains the address location of the first detail record, which contains the address location of the next detail record, and so on. An analogy would be the postman’s route beginning at the first house in a given block which contains the address of the next door house in the block, etc.

Here is an example of what a very elementary database schema map looks like in figure A.


So how do we interpret this diagram?

Looking at the  very lowest box, it is a detail record-type subordinate to both of the upper two master record-types, because it participates in link chains from both of the upper two record-types as represented by the two lines connecting it to the two upper boxes. In such a master-detail relationship, there are  generally many detail records per each master record. 

The top 2 boxes are connected by a single link chain which is represented by the line  between the 2 boxes, thus making the lower of the two boxes a detail record-type subordinate to the upper master record-type.  Both of the upper two record-types  are externally accessible via a unique key field  as indicated by an arrow headed by an oval pointing into the box.  The upper box does not participate as a detail in any link chain. Therefore, it is said to be an “external master” record-type. But the middle box is both externally accessible & participates as a detail in the link chain connecting  it to the upper box. Therefore, it is said to be a “hybrid master” record-type. 

So we can now see record-type accessibility, hence individual record accessibility,  is accomplished in one of two ways:
1) externally via a unique key field, such records being called “external master” records, or
2) internally via link chains which are data fields within each record pointing from one record to the next, such records being called “internal detail” records. There can be any number of different link chain data fields within any record-type.

In addition, you should note that two of the link chains are terminated with a downward arrow to indicate a 1-way dead-end, which  means the master record is not retrievable from any detail record in the link chain. You should also note that one link chain has no arrow indicated at either end of the line which means the master record is directly retrievable from any detail record or indirectly by traversing the link chain either way, downward or upward. In  other words, it is a 2-way street.

But record-type access is only part of the story.  Equally important is the principle of full or partial record “update permissions” which is key to protecting the data within the database. It is one thing to only see data. It is quite another to be able to add, change or  delete data. A person’s logon should contain an indication of their level of update permissions. This is what separates administrators from non-administrators. And in our election system,  it is what separates citizens from non-citizens.

Hopefully by now it is intuitively clear on how to read a database diagram. But if you still feel uncomfortable with what you have read so far, you can skip to the last section entitled HOW TO READ THE DATABASE at the bottom of this post. We proceed from here to explain  the detail workings of the database.



Here in figure B  is a schema diagram of what an overall National Election Database should look like. There is a legend down in the lower left corner.

FIGURE B.(Too small? On your phone, expand it. On your computer, right click and open image in new tab.)

The database can be seen as divided into four sections:

1. The left section represents the user logons & their online requests records for access & update permissions to the appropriate records in the database. 

  2. The middle-left hand side represents the administrator control section which provides the tools required for validating voter-ids, aka, approved system-user-ids,  and setting up appropriate levels of update permissions for lower level logons.

3. The middle-right section represents the government’s organizational hierarchical levels from the top-down and associated election data.

4. The right section represents the linkages from a citizens’s request to:
a. a government office based upon his submission of a candidate requests,  or
b. access a ballot based upon his submission of a ballot request.
These requests are serviced  by state election administrators who are basically online voter registrars. 

Section 1 – USER LOGONS:

The left-hand side of the database map represents that part of the database that contains all users’ (including all administrators’) logon records which identify all users. Anybody can create a user logon record with password,  regardless of citizenship.  In creating a logon, the user must submit his birth date  &  his full social security tax-id number, the combination of which should uniquely identify his logon to any election administrator & remain relatively unchanged, even if he moves to a new state.  He should also include his zip-code which he should keep up-to-date. For privacy reasons, access to any user’s logon record is restricted to the individual user who owns the logon. This is to protect the user’s profile from being exposed, including his voting record.  Absolutely no one will have access to the user’s logon record & profile.  

Even though a user or would-be administrator has created logon, it does not mean he has update-permission to any part of the database other than his own logon area. He will not have a voter-id, herein called an approved system-user-id. Without an approved system-user-id, any user is strictly limited to his logon  section of the database & has no access to any other section of the database. It should be noted that drivers licenses & social security numbers in & by themselves are insufficient proof of citizenship, because such numbers are granted to citizens and non-citizens alike. Therefore, a method of separating the wheat from the chaff is required.

To gain update-permissions , the user must submit a one-time request to an administrator with proof of citizenship. His request record(s) will be stored underneath his logon. Each new request record will be linked into a new-request-queue to be accessed & processed by an administrator.

Upon submitting his first request to an administrator, a unique system-user-id record will be created  using his birth date concatenated with the last 4 digits of his social security number assuming that combination does not already exist. The new system-user-id record will be flagged with a permissions-level status of 0 (meaning he has no update permissions) & placed in the new request chain for an administrator  to validate his citizenship.

The first one-time request must include proof-of-citizenship which can be done in-person or online. Proof-of-citizenship includes the submission of a passport-id or medicare id number or a birth certificate or naturalization papers, plus a photo. If the user fails to qualify as a citizen, his newly created  system-user-id will remain assigned to permissions-level = 0 , meaning he has no update=permission to the  rest of the database.  Otherwise, he will be given a higher permission-level depending upon the nature of his request.   The permissions-level numbering is as follows: 1 = non-administrator, 2 = precinct administrator, 3 = city administrator, 4 = county administrator, 5 = state administrator, 6 = federal administrator. This, in effect, is how a voter-id is assigned. It should be noted that the Social Security or Medicare Administrations may invalidate a user’s permissions-level by submitting a record linked to the first one-time request record
to indicate a deceased user. 

There are three  types of  a user requests, any of which can be the first one-time request. All requests subsequent to the first must be validated by the assigned permissions-level in the first one-time request record.  
a) An ADMINISTRATORS PERMISSIONS REQUEST is simply a request to change ones logon permissions-level to be changed to higher than 1. 
b) A CANDIDATE REQUEST can be made by any permission-level greater than 0. It must specify the specific Nation-ID, State-ID, County/ District-ID,  City-ID & Office-ID  for which the user seeks to run.  The administrator processing the request must link the request  record to the appropriate year & office-id records.   
c) A BALLOT REQUEST can be made by any permission-level greater than 0. It is simply a request by a user to his lowest level of local election administration to create link chain from his request record to the candidate link records applicable to his geographic area for the year in question. Therefore, he must include his zip code in making the request. 

Of course, not every body may have a cell phone or computer which is quite unlikely.  In this case they should be able to find a public internet terminal like a library or the county registrars office. In the absence of that, they should obtain a paper ballot, but only upon proof of citizenship which could include having a social security number or some other form of federal id that the user has in mind.


In the middle-left section of the database schema is the area which provides a unique system-user-id number to specifically identify each and every US citizen.  In section1, we have  spoken of how a user is qualified, or not, to gain update permissions to the database. 

To recap, we note the following:
First, we note that the focus of this section is upon a “self assigning USER-ID” record, also called a “system-user-id” record.
Secondly, we note that “system-user-id” can be qualified by the assignment of an update-permissions-level number to separate non-citizens from citizens & regular citizens from administrators.
The permissions-level numbering is as follows:
0 = non-citizen
1 = citizen
2 = citizen-precinct-admin
3 = citizen-city-admin
4 = citizen-county-admin
5 = citizen-state-admin
6 = citizen-federal-admin

What we have not talked about is what the administrators are able and unable to do, which is what this section 2 is really all about. So from here, we add the following.

Any given administrative level may create in section 3 the master id header records for the entities one level below it & provide that level with a single backdoor administrator logon. Therefore, the feds can create state-id records, the states can create county & district id records, and so on.  However, any administrative level cannot alter any of the detail records added by the administrative levels above or below its own level.

When it comes to servicing a user request, the following applies. Any administrative level in any state can service any user’s request for  a permissions-level change to 1. But any user’s request for a permissions-level greater than 1 must be serviced within the state & not by any administrative level higher than the permissions-level requested.  Any user’s request to be a candidate for office must be serviced within the state & not by any administrator other than an administrator at the same level as the office. Lastly, any user request for a ballot connection must be serviced within the state at the lowest level of administration available to user’s location.  

Looking at the database diagram you will note that the users system-user-id record can be linked to either of two header record types. One is a federal administrators work list which queues the feds to a system-user-id that requires attention. The other is the state administrators work list which is a list to queue the state a request requires their attention.  

We begin with the feds, because they are the keepers of the database & have ultimate authority regarding citizenship status. Federal administrator logons will include employees within the Federal Election Commission,  the US State Dept, the Medicare Admin, or the Social Security Admin. These are necessary, because they will have first knowledge of changes in citizenship status.

In addition, the database would be initialized & maintained on a federal computer. Original access will begin with a single backdoor logon having permissions-level 6. This logon will be able to give level 6 permissions to other real user logons as previously discussed.  All federal administrators must be proven citizens & have level 6 update permissions. if the feds wish to qualify their administrators, the can attach a letter code suffix to the permissions-level number.

The first level 6 logons will begin updating Section 3 of the database by creating the single National-ID record and any State-ID record as a detail record. As each State-ID record is created, a single backdoor level 5 logon to each state will be provided to the lead state administrator for that state. ( Note:This is the one exception to assigning an administrative permissions-level lower than the processing administrator.)

And if the feds were really nice, they might even initialize system-user-id records even before any real users create their logons. After all, they do have the information to do so, ie, birth date and social security number. But knowing the feds, we cannot count on it. And there really is no need until a user creates a logon. 

Now turning to the feds work list, it is a file of notifications that queue the feds of items requiring their attention. A new user may have submitted a first one-time request using only a passport, medicare or social security number as proof of citizenship. Such a case should result in an automatic notification being put in the feds work list. Or maybe he specified a combination of birth date and last 4 digits of social security number that conflicts with an existing system-user-id. Again, put an automatic notification in the feds work list.  And yet again, put an automatic notification in the feds work list when a system-user-id  is approaching  the 4-year permissions-level expiration date. Did you hear me say a “4-year permissions-level expiration date”? Yep, you heard right. We just cannot afford to let deceased citizens continue to vote. So why not automatically notify the fed of a possibly deceased voter? 

In any case, after initializing the State-ID records,  the feds should have nothing to do with updating records in section 3  less than their own permissions level & absolutely no records in section  4 of the database. They can only update the permissions-level in the user’s-system-id record in section 2 of the database & put a notice in the state’s work list.   

We now turn to the state administration level 5 processes. With respect to updating records in section 3, the following holds. In the same fashion as the feds created their State-IDs with a single backdoor administrative  level 5 logon, so each state should do the same for the counties, and each county should do for its cities, and each city should do for its precincts. With respect to the state work-list, a work list  for each level of state government needs to be identified & accessed by its permissions-level level number and a combination of State-ID, County-ID, City-ID, & Precinct-ID to facilitate processing of user requests at the correct level.  

With respect to processing the previously mentioned requests, due diligence in validating citizenship & existing citizenship currency is of the utmost importance to  prevent any bad actors from trying to game the system & vote as a non-citizen or more than once in any election.

It should be noted that state governments should not be assigning a permissions-level of 1 based simply upon a DMV ID.  Nor should states be issuing ballots without a request from a qualified citizen system-user-id, ie, voter-id.

Paper ballots should be eliminated as much as possible. Ballots should only be given out  in electronic form  to people who have a qualified citizen system-user-id, ie, a voter-id.  

For the purpose of validating new first one-time requests,  any among the Federal State Dept, Social Security or Medicare Admin should be able to confirm citizenship in the absence of proof-of-citizenship documents. For the purpose of validating citizenship currency, the Social Security &/or Medicare Administrations should inactivate any voter-ids of dead people.

For the purpose of preventing bad actors from voting more than once in any given election every voter must issue a ballot request for every election. Validated voters should not have their ballots automatically setup, ie, issued, to them, because they may have moved to another state. This requirement for the voter to submit a ballot request every election year helps to prevent a voter from obtaining more than  one voter-id by changing his logon profile identity, because his previous requests will show his logon was used with another voter-id. However, women who marry should be able to change their name in their logon when they marry.

We must be able to deal with the voter who creates multiple logons. Where he might be able to present different birth dates, he should still be unable to submit more than one social security number in conjunction with the same birth date. And if he randomly picks those numbers, there is a good chance the combination already belongs to someone else


The middle-right part of the database represents the governmental hierarchy. In the governance of our national elections, the smallest entity is a precinct within a zip code, which is within the governance of a city, which is within the governance of a county, which is within the governance of a state, which also governs congressional districts & is within the governance of the feds. This organizational level structure is reflected in the left side of the database diagram where  each level is tagged with an update-accessibility level-indicator. The very top-level is the federal government which is tagged as update-accessibility level-6. Proceeding down through the levels, each lower level gets tagged with the  next  lower level indicator. As a consequence & as previously noted, we have level 6 being the national level, level 5 the state level, level 4 the county & district level, level 3 the city level, level 2 the precinct level. And again, this leaves levels 1 & 0 representing the individual user logon.  To be perfectly clear, this level indicator will be used to flag organizational administrative  areas of the database & to grant update permissions of those administrative areas to those user logons indicating the same level indicator. 


The middle-right part of the database diagram deals with the people logon accessible record-types. As previously stated, any individual, regardless of their level, (federal, state, county, city, precinct or voter) should be able to create a logon in order to make an online voter-id/candidate/voter ballot requests. However, just because they have a logon does not mean they can access or update any other part of the right hand side of the database. Where it may be possible for a person to create multiple logons and create multiple requests, the database will contain administrator tools to help curtail any one single person from obtaining more than one means of having access to the right hand side of the database. Furthermore, upon creating their logon, it will be tagged with an accessibility level = 0 to indicate the logon has no valid Voter-ID and will not have access to any record in the right hand side of the database other than the logon & candidate/ballot request records.

With respect to the citizen logon level indicator, level-1 will indicate the citizen voter or candidate has a valid & current Voter-ID. Level-2 will indicate the citizen is a precinct only administrator. Level-3 will indicate a city only administrator. Level-4 will indicate a county & district administrator. Level-5 will indicate a state administrator. And level-6 will be a national or federal administrator. Administrators will have update accessibility to their own level and the next lower level, but only read accessibility to any other level above or below.




In a similar fashion, each state’s backdoor level-5 logon will be able to change any level-0 logon to another level-5 or level-4 administrator logon once the level 0 logon owner submits proof of citizenship either in person or via the logon online candidate/ballot request process. Any level-5 administrator will create the County-ID records & District-ID records, along with creating a backdoor level-4 administrator logon for each county.


In a fashion similar to the state, each county would setup City-ID records, along with creating backdoor level-3 logons to be used by city administrators in conducting its elections.


In a fashion similar to the county, each city may elect to setup Precinct-ID records, along with creating backdoor level-2 logons to be used by the precinct administrators.


Obviously for each level of governance from city on up there exists departments & offices with positions to be filled, some of which are filled via elections. And so each level of government is responsible for defining those positions to be filled via election. These are the Office-ID records, and each year some or all of them may have vacancies to be filled by candidates.

This brings us to the creation of a candidate-link record by the appropriate level administrator. And how do we determine that?
The office record should have a field that identifies its level.


I have previous mentioned these record types before without being specific.

A CANDIDATE REQUEST will call out the specific Nation-ID, State-ID, County/ District-ID, & City-ID where applicable & the specific Office-ID. Assuming the would-be candidate is qualified & has a valid Voter-ID, the impacted administrator level will create a candidate link record for the year in question, thus establishing his candidacy.

It should be noted that there are times when there are non-candidate measures at the city, county, or state levels to be voted upon. These are identified as Propositions. They are identified in the same candidate link record-type which is accessible via the voter to the same candidate link record-type as used for candidate-to-office links.

A BALLOT REQUEST is simply a request to his lowest level of election administration to create links between his ballot request master & the candidate link records applicable to his geographic area.


The database is now ready for the voter to make his candidate selections by clicking the appropriate candidate-selection button in each appropriate voter-ballot-link record, at which time a write-permission lock is placed on the voter-ballot-link record. This would prevent anyone from changing candidate-selection button and the corresponding link to the selected candidate record.


For secrecy/privacy purposes all cast voter-ballot-link records should be locked from updating by anyone other than the voter and as soon as they are counted. With this one exception, all should be able to view any record at any time, thus providing complete transparency and veracity of an election. In other words, everyone can look anywhere but not touch.


In addition, currency of vote tabulation is essential. As soon as a voter has locked his voter-ballot record, his vote should be counted and tallies by candidate should be made available. Washington DC should be connected to each state & have access to each state database for the purpose of rolling up ballot totals for each national candidate by state.


Currency of the voter rolls is essential and a responsibility of the feds. Voters who have died would have their Voter-ID record flagged as such. But aside from that, there are bad players who would try to vote more than once. This should be averted by looking out for duplicate Voter-ID and ballot requests in & across all states.


What would be the advantages of an online real time election system?
First, the election should be completed within 2 days, if not sooner.
Second, the voter would cast his ballot directly into the database, thereby eliminating anybody other than the voter from touching his ballot.
Third, a voters ballot choices would remain unknown to anyone but the voter.
Fourth, since there is only one machine involved, auditing software should be comparatively, making it easy in identifying any other anomalies.


There will always be some ding dong who insists on having a paper ballot which necessitates having a batch input system.


Let’s begin with an analogy in the form of a picture on paper representing an invoice containing a list of purchased items. The top line appears only once & contains information common to all items listed as purchased . The top line is the header, or “master” record. The items listed are “detail” records. Now consider a stack of invoices that all have the same format. They all have the same “master record-type” with the same “detail record-type”.

A database is an electronic file cabinet for all these invoice “record-types”. To be more specific in electronic terms, a “record” is a fixed length string of data broken into “data-fields”, all representing something or having some particular meaning, and a “record-type” is the representation of the collection of all records having a common fixed data content, format & key sort field different from all other records. To look a record-type is the same as looking at the format of a specific record. A record-type is a template or example of what a record looks like. (Note: the word “record-type” is used interchangeably with the word “record”).

Returning to the database diagram, each box represents a “record-type”. You will see boxes around the periphery that have a little short arrow pointing at the box headed by an ellispse, a square or an “x” . These are “External Master Record-Types” which are the basic entree points into the database via their unique id data-fields. The ellispe heading on the arrow means read accessible to all. The square means update accessible to administrators only. The “X” is exclusive to the citizen logon.

You will see that the nation record-type (of which there there is only one for the USA) is directly read accessible by anyone based upon its nation ID. You will also see that each state record-type is directly read accessible by all based upon its unique state ID. The same holds true for the election year and zip code record-types. Another external access point is via each individual citizen’s exclusive login point. Finally, there are three other administrative access points necessary for validating citizen requests.

Outside of the External Master Record-Types, all other record-types are Internal-Detail-Record-Types accessible only through “Link Chaining” which is shown by a link chain line connecting a higher level master box to a lower level detail box. You might notice that each state record is not only accessible as an external master record, but is also accessible via the “Link Chain” from the nation record. By “Link Chaining” I mean there is a link field in each master record-type that points to the first record within a detail record-type, which in turn has a link field that points to the next record within the same record-type, and so on until the last record of that record-type which may or may not point back to the original master records. Note that an internal detail record-type in one link chain can be a master record-type in another chain. Hence, a completely accessible hierarchy is achieved.

Referring to the database diagram, with respect to link chain traversal, the default direction of link chain traversal is always forward from master to the first detail record and from current detail record to the next. if there is no arrow pointing to a detail record-type, it means that the master record is retrievable from any detail record by continuing to traverse the chain to the last detail record which contains the link back to the original master record. However, if there is an arrow pointing to the detail record type, it means the last record in the chain has its next record link null, thereby making it impossible to retrieve the master record of the chain.

To complete the picture, given a nation id of USA, one could directly access the USA record & then traverse the state chain to access all the states within the USA. Similarly, one could access all the counties within a state by first accessing the state record & then traversing the county chain. And so on.

Today’s average browser-to-website user should not find this method of navigation too difficult to understand.




    . SECTION 1 defines a “citizen” as one born here or naturalized.
    . SECTION 2 defines “state apportionment” as being based upon
    . . . . . . . . . . . the “numbers” of people in the state, excluding
    . . . . . . . . . . . “indians”. From this we can infer that only citizens
    . . . . . . . . . . . be counted in determining each state’s
    . . . . . . . . . . . representative count.
    Several Amendments after Amendment 14 make it
    clear that only “citizens” may vote.


Each state automatically gets 2 electoral votes for its 2 senators plus its representative apportionment based on its percentage of the total population. This means there are 100 total electoral votes over and above the electoral votes based upon population, which makes it possible for a candidate to win the electoral votes while getting less than the popular vote.

Why is this so? The original Constitution was ratified by the states, each state being counted as a person. This continues to be recognized & serves as a protection for the lesser populated states from being dominated by the more populated states. Its only fair. Besides that, the states are the ones who can vote to amend or end the Constitution, since they are they original grantors.

As previously mentioned, each state should get additional electoral votes based upon its percentage of the total citizen population. And the number of representatives allotted to each state should equal its electoral vote. So the whole voting system is proportional and fair. .

Yet democrats are constantly heard complaining about the electoral college claiming it to be a “Threat to their democracy”. This is pure nonsense. They are GREEDY IDIOTS. First of all, our nation is not a “democracy”. It is a “republic”. Only more local areas like counties and cities can call themselves a “democracy”. States are “semi-democracies” because propositions are submitted directly to the electorate. But for that, states are also republics. Their idea of “democracy” is a primitive one that would utterly destroy the idea of a united states. If you are going to play identity politics correctly, then you better differentiate between citizens and non citizens and protect state sovereignty. Otherwise you don’t have a nation, you have a cesspool.

Citizens have a duty to protect each other from wrong, regardless of race, sex, color or creed. CITIZENSHIP IS THE ONLY THING THAT BRINGS US TOGETHER AS A NATION, NOT HUMANITY. Humanity will never bring the world together, because it is always mistreated one way or another. The humanity of today boils down to robbing from one to give to another. It is contrary to free voluntary gifting.

No matter, to democrats who are trying to dumb down US citizens by saying “Democracy is for all people where ever they are and regardless of citizenship”. So yes, citizenship is a threat to “their” primitive democracy. Why do you think the Biden DOJ/FBI seem to be harassing only US citizens and not illegals?


The last time the US census counted the number of US citizens was 1950 at which time there were 151 MILLION citizens of which 31% were children or roughly 51 MILLION children. In 1952, there were 66 MILLION voting citizens. Since 1950 the government appears to obfuscate the census counts, failing to differentiate between citizen and non-citizen populations, thereby distorting each states apportionment of House representative & elector count.

From 1960 onward. we have the following;
1960: 179 MILLION
1970: 203 MILLION
1980: 227 MILLION
1990: 249 MILLION
2000: 281 MILLION
2010: 308 MILLION

In order to determine the number of real citizens as distinct form the number of non-citizens without a distinct number being provided, the only way to approximate the number is via reverse computing. Given a) the total number of presumed citizen voters in a national election, b) the voter turnout, c) the total population, & d) the percentage that are children, it is possible to estimate the total number of citizens, x = a/b- 1/2(c*d) . But this is only a rough estimate & depends upon correctness of the numbers given by the government.

So, for the 2020 election we have:

Voted for Biden in 2020: 81 MILLION
Voted for Trump in 2020: 74 MILLION
a) Total number of adult citizen Votes: 155 MILLION

b) Voter turnout in 20202: 66.8%

Total number of adult citizen(?) voters:

In 2020 the total 2020 population was:
c) & d) 331 MILLION of which 73 MILLION were minors.
Half of children estimated to be citizens: 36 MILLION

Total number of citizens including children in 2020:
232 + 36 = 268 MILLION CITIZENS

Total number of non citizens in 2020:

2020 Conclusions:


The national DEFICIT is the current year amount spent minus the current year taxes collected. If more money is taken in than spent it is a SURPLUS. The national DEBT is the accumulation on national deficits over the years. It can only be relieved by surpluses.

The national debt:

In 2000, it was $5.5 Trillion

GWB increased it by $4.4 Trillion to
$10 Trillion

Obama increased it by another $9.5 Trillion to $19.5 Trillion.

Trump increased it by another $8 Trillion to $27.5 Trillion

and Biden will increase it by at least
$10 Trillion to $ 37.5 Trillion.

Trump is the only one showing a diminished increase. He was not in for two terms. But neither will Biden be in two terms.


Illegal non-citizens are the perfect paradigm for the democrat global warming issue. After all, they walked here and did not drive. Do democrats really believe they are going to continue walking once they get here? Do democrats really believe that illegals are going to continue voting for them once illegals settle in?

What the democrats have done is to take the

Democrats are deliberately destroying our democracy by exacerbating election difficulties via allowing untold numbers of foreigners to trespass into our country. Probably one of the greatest difficulties in conducting an election is knowing who is eligible to vote and who is not.

Counties are are suppose to be the first resource to determine this, because they are the central hub for identifying property tax payers. But the property tax rolls only identify property owners, not renters or homeless people or resident non-citizens. Therefore, each county registrar is supposedly charged with the task of identifying citizen voters.

Instead, the states appear to have taken charge of that task. And in so doing have made the task more inaccurate by requiring the motor vehicle departments to register non-citizens for voting as if they are citizens. As a result, the US Constitution is being violated, not to mention the near impossibility of obtaining a drivers license.

It should now be clear to every US citizen that the Democratic Party has become a traitor to our democracy by obfuscating the election process and employing the inflow of illegal entrants in the hopes of maintaining power. They are not without help from some very stupid republicans, aka, RINOS. Those now working in government need to ask themselves how far they are willing to go for a worthless paycheck.

It is clear that democrats have not inspired trust in our election system by maintaining open borders. That fact, coupled with the wide flung use of electronic election systems leaves the US citizen with very little confidence that elections are not rigged. It can be said that no matter which party is in control of the election process, without the electorate being able to validate their own counted ballot and see the accumulation of actual ballots counted for a particular candidate after the fact, there can be no confidence in the electronic tabulated election results.

Why The Border:



ANTIFA & BLM are two violent groups that democrats seem to love. Where they certainly have a right to speak, they do not have a right to attack and loot businesses, setting them on fire. Contrary to the idiot reporter who can be quoted as saying “This is a peaceful protest”, NO IT WAS NOT. And contrary to the phony democratic party J6 committee claiming J6 was an “insurrection”, NO IT WAS NOT. On J6 there were at least two murders by Capitol Police of which democrats are proud. SHAME ON THEM!

To further their gas-lighting of the American citizen, they claim that “Domestic Terrorism” is on the rise while allowing in real terrorists. “Just look at all those lawless citizen vigilantes supporting Trump who is worse than Hitler”. Yata yata …. yata. How many times now have we heard the term “domestic terrorism” used by Biden’s corrupt DOJ coupled with the democrats slur, ‘Islamaphobia”. Such rhetoric only inflames a society that was evilly attacked by radical Islam on 911 & then told they were not a Christian nation by a deceitful president who used his power to persecute them further. If they had any intentions at all of promoting domestic tranquility, all they would have to do is to BAN SHARIA LAW which is not a religion. Sharia Law is a core part of Islamic ideology and stands completely incompatible with western values. 1948 India should have shown any intelligent person how dangerous Islam Sharia is to western democracy. I would dare say, if you wish to worship Allah instead of Christ, be my guest. But don’t try to push your bull poop laws down our throat.

The Democratic Party Ukrainian Playbook

Where fascism and communism have been traditionally seen as opposites, it would seem that the current Democratic Party, in conjunction with neo conservatives, has practiced a hybrid combination of these two opposites, sometimes appearing as communistic and other times appearing to be fascistic.
No matter their ideology, there is one most evident characteristic, ie, their desire to stay in power no matter the cost. And the Ukrainian coup of a duly elected president in 2014 is their playbook.

Here is the truth about the Ukraine.

Note that in 2011 the President of the Ukraine was democratically and legitimately elected. The events of 2013 and 2014 led to an unconstitutional overthrow of the government spawned by neo facists. Today we are very close in this country to repeating that unlawfulness and violence.

This fascist coup of a democratically elected president that took place in the Ukraine in 2014 is the model for todays Democratic Party strategy. When they are out of power or when their power position is threatened, they will stage violent demostrations to make it look like the opposition party is at fault. Just look at how they have staged the Jan 6 “insurrection” which was not an insurrectiion. Compare that to the George Floyd “peaceful” demonstrations that preceeded Jan 6.

The key thing in understanding the Ukrainian 2014 coup is in identifying
WHO AUTHORIZED THE POLICE TO ATTACK THE PROTESTORS, knowing it would result in more violence.

Answer: He was known as YATS, the leader of one of the minority fascist parties.

In other words, he was instrumental in getting the opposition government to attack the very protesters he had encouraged to demonstrate at the capital. But he also alerted the protesters, because they were ready to deal with the police when they came. So it was a guaranteed violent clash. It was a perfect Alinsky setup to create a crisis.

Did we not see this same thing happen in the Jan 6 protests when it appears evident that the FBI had embedded operatives to incite violence among the crowd? If not, then please explain how some very obvious inciters of violence were not even touched by the justice system while other more innocent people were given the meanest treatment. This is why it is most important to understand the truth of the 2014 Ukraine coup.


This brings us to a discussion of taxation and government spending. How to disperse collective funds will always be an issue as long communism exists. Communism is not Commonism and visa versa. And printing more money is not the answer.

Dispersal of collective funds should only be based upon the common agreement of donors. Not by some dictator. Citizen taxes should only go to the protection of citizens, not non citizens. And the dispersal of funds for reparations of non existent damage is an abomination, as is the dispersal of funds to enemy nations. Dispersal of collective funds for health care should be limited to citizens only.

It might be reasonable to allow permanent resident non-citizens to participate in Social Security because it is a forced savings program not funded by citizen taxes. But certainly Social Security should not be extended to foreigners or adversaries.

At the current time, Congress is failing to observe these principles of funding in performing its duties. Republicans have been a big disappointment in countering the destructive Democratic Party that is doing everything it can to destroy this country while printing and spending money irresponsibly.

Failed Government:




With the influx of illegal migrants and in view of the wide spread fraud in the 2020 election, a great concern has arisen regarding the integrity of our national election system. What is herein is to suggest a solution to that dilemma.

Our current election system is a piece of crap. It is a hodgepodge of manual and batch systems ripe with fraud. That a secure online real time election system “database”  has not been made available by now is an absolute crime.


What is a “database”, you ask? It is an electronic filing organization that provides entree point access to “External-Master Records” which in turn provide navigatable link chains to more “Internal-Detail Records”. It is a piece of electronic infrastructure contained on a serving computer. And just like a geographic infrastructure requires an accessibility map, so does a database.

A database “schema diagram” is a map of the external access to & internal connectivity  between “record-types” within a database. Each record-type is represented by a big rounded rectangle, aka, box, in the database schema diagram. The external access to a record-type is represented by a small arrow headed by an oval pointing into the record-type.  And internal connectivity between record-types via link chaining is represented by a line between rounded boxes, where the line may or may not be terminated with a directional arrow. 

As a side note, think of a “record-type” as a single template or layout representing any number of records consisting of the same record format. If you wish, you can call a “record-type”  a “record-template” . A “record” is  defined as a fixed length string of data broken into contiguous fixed length “data fields”, with each “data field” consisting of a contiguous fixed length string of textual characters.

Also as a side note, “link chaining” is a method connecting records together wherein the first record is the master record that contains the address location of the first detail record, which contains the address location of the next detail record, and so on. An analogy would be the postman’s route beginning at the first house in a given block which contains the address of the next door house in the block, etc.

Here is an example of what a very elementary database schema map looks like in figure A.


So how do we interpret this diagram?

Looking at the  very lowest box, it is a detail record-type subordinate to both of the upper two master record-types, because it participates in link chains from both of the upper two record-types as represented by the two lines connecting it to the two upper boxes. In such a master-detail relationship, there are  generally many detail records per each master record. 

The top 2 boxes are connected by a single link chain which is represented by the line  between the 2 boxes, thus making the lower of the two boxes a detail record-type subordinate to the upper master record-type.  Both of the upper two record-types  are externally accessible via a unique key field  as indicated by an arrow headed by an oval pointing into the box.  The upper box does not participate as a detail in any link chain. Therefore, it is said to be an “external master” record-type. But the middle box is both externally accessible & participates as a detail in the link chain connecting  it to the upper box. Therefore, it is said to be a “hybrid master” record-type. 

So we can now see record-type accessibility, hence individual record accessibility,  is accomplished in one of two ways:
1) externally via a unique key field, such records being called “external master” records, or
2) internally via link chains which are data fields within each record pointing from one record to the next, such records being called “internal detail” records. There can be any number of different link chain data fields within any record-type.

In addition, you should note that two of the link chains are terminated with a downward arrow to indicate a 1-way dead-end, which  means the master record is not retrievable from any detail record in the link chain. You should also note that one link chain has no arrow indicated at either end of the line which means the master record is directly retrievable from any detail record or indirectly by traversing the link chain either way, downward or upward. In  other words, it is a 2-way street.

But record-type access is only part of the story.  Equally important is the principle of full or partial record “update permissions” which is key to protecting the data within the database. It is one thing to only see data. It is quite another to be able to add, change or  delete data. A person’s logon should contain an indication of their level of update permissions. This is what separates administrators from non-administrators. And in our election system,  it is what separates citizens from non-citizens.

Hopefully by now it is intuitively clear on how to read a database diagram. But if you still feel uncomfortable with what you have read so far, you can skip to the last section entitled HOW TO READ THE DATABASE at the bottom of this post. We proceed from here to explain  the detail workings of the database.


Here in figure B  is a schema diagram of what an overall National Election Database should look like. There is a legend down in the lower left corner.


(Too small? On your phone, expand it. On your computer, right click and open image in new tab.)

The database can be seen as divided into four sections:

1. The right  section represents the user logons & their online requests records for access & update permissions to the appropriate records in the database.    

2. The left hand side represents the administrator mini database which provides the tools required for validating logons, assigning voter-ids and setting up appropriate levels of update permissions for lower level logons.

3. The middle-left section represents the government’s organizational hierarchical levels from the top-down and associated election data.

4. The middle right section represents the linkages from a citizens’s request to:
a. a government office based upon his submission of a candidate requests,  or
b. access a ballot based upon his submission of a ballot request.
These requests are serviced  by state election administrators who are basically online voter registrars. 

Section 1 – USER LOGONS:

The right-hand side of the database map represents the user logon & identity part of the database & any requests they make. For privacy reasons, access to this section is restricted to the individual logon and any administrator. This is to protect a person’s voting record, as well as his profile. No other individual should be able to view how another person votes or have access to items used to identify the person.

Anybody can create a user logon with password,  regardless of citizenship.   In creating a logon, the user must submit his birth date  & state drivers license number or social security number. But it should be noted that drivers licenses & social security numbers by themselves are insufficient proof of citizenship, because such numbers are granted to citizens and non-citizens alike. Therefore, merely creating a logon does not automatically grant a voter-id which is required for obtaining access with update permissions to any other section of the database. The user without a voter-id number is strictly limited to their logon section in the database.

A voter-id number can be obtained by submitting a request to an administrator  in person or online, with proof of citizenship.  Proof of citizenship includes a passport or medicare number, a birth certificate or  naturalization papers, along with a picture. Such a  request can be in the form of  asking for: a) a voter-id or b) a candidate setup or a c) ballot setup, or d) administrator permissions . And until an existing administrator approves the request,  that person’s logon should not have any access or update permissions beyond their current status. 

Once a voter-id is obtained, the user’s logon request is linked to the the current year’s existing election data applicable to his request as a candidate or his ballot request. For as long as he has his voter-id, he will not have to resubmit his proof of citizenship. If he makes any changes to  what he submitted, including his birth date or drivers license, he may have to request a new voter-id number.   


Do you see the administrator mini database section on the far left? There you will see 3 record types connected similar to what was described previously in figure A , but with the elimination of the link chain between  the top two boxes & the addition of a 2nd link chain between the top and bottom boxes. One of these top-to-bottom link chains is for new voter-id requests, & the other is for approved voter-ids. And what was the middle box hybrid master has become a pure external master  noted as the “Birthday Chain Master” tying in to the lower voter-id detail record. The purpose of that record is to link together all voter-id records that have a common birth date making it possible to prevent two different voter ids being granted to the same person having two different logons. It also helps to identify potentially dead persons. It should also help to prevent the same person from voting in two different states during the same election. 

In the far left-hand section of the database schema is the voter-id database, aka, the administrator  mini database, which provides a unique number to specifically  identify each and every US citizen.  As previously stated, anyone can create a logon, citizens and non-citizens alike. But, based upon proof of citizenship submitted either in person or online,  the assignment of a voter-id  to a citizen person’s logon is critical in allowing that  user’s logon to have update-accessibility to  any portion of the election system database appropriate to that person’s level of responsibility.

Only citizens can approve voter-ids for other citizens. Please note that even all election administrators  must have validated  voter-ids tied to their logons, regardless of their governmental level of responsibility. But to begin, we must assume that all  election administrators do have valid voter-ids tied to their logons & will discuss later how they acquire administrative level permissions. But for now our focus is upon the management of a voter-id  database containing all voter-id records.  

Of first concern is who are the logons that will be allowed to access & manage  the  voter-id database. Because of their immediate closeness to the voting public, obviously all local state election officials will have update-access to the appropriate state organizational level within the database  & as  flagged in their logon by the update-access-level-indicator, aka, the “administrative-level-indicator”.  Precincts will be assigned to administrative-level-2. Level–3 is for city, level-4 for county & level-5 for state.

What about  levels 0 & 1? They are levels assigned to non administrators, ie, joe public, by the higher-level folks. When a user first creates his logon, it will be forced to level-0 which denies him from accessing any part of the election system database. Upon his request to an administrator & being approved as a citizen, he is given an active voter-id & his logon level will be changed to level-1.

Any of these state levels can accept a voter-id request and begin, if not finish, the approval & activation  of a validated voter-id. With the exception of being able to assist a level-0 request, each level will be confined to its own  level. So state administrators will not be able to override county, city or precinct administrators. 

State governments should not be updating their voter rolls based simply upon a DMV request.  Nor should states be issuing ballots without a would-be voter request. Only via state election administrators at the various state levels should be permitted to  give out ballots in electronic form  to people who have voter-ids. And if a would-be voter does not have a voter-id, he should be able to request one of the local state election administrator at the time  he applies to be a candidate or in requesting a ballot. The local state administrator should be able to assign the next voter-id number available, & create a new preliminary voter-id record containing the following data: 1) a record status flag initialized to pending status, 2) mandatory data including the requester’s logon id, birth date, & drivers license & 3)  data fields including passport id with flag, medicare id with flag, & social security id with flag should be defined and filled in if possible.  Then the local state administrator should attempt to validate the requester’s citizenship. If the local administrator cannot validate the would-be voter’s citizenship, then he should link the  preliminary voter-id record in a voter-id validation request chain to be reviewed by the feds who will approve it or reject it by tagging the record with an approved or rejected flag.

Federal administrator logons will be assigned to level-6 & include employees within the Federal Election Commission,  the US State Dept, the Medicare Admin, or the Social Security Admin. These are necessary because  any one of these federal agencies can validate the authenticity of a preliminary or existing voter-id record. In addition they should be validating each and every activated voter-id every four years.

Upon approval by at least the local state administrator or  one of the federal agencies, the would-be voter’s logon will be updated from level-status 0 to level-status 1 and his new voter id will be updated in his request record. When the voter dies, his logon will return to level-status 0.

Having identified the election administrators & their logons, what does their online real time voter-id system database schema, aka, the administrator mini database,  look like?


The middle-left part of the database represents the governmental hierarchy. In the governance of our national elections, the smallest entity is a precinct within a zip code, which is within the governance of a city, which is within the governance of a county, which is within the governance of a state, which also governs congressional districts & is within the governance of the feds. This organizational level structure is reflected in the left side of the database diagram where  each level is tagged with an update-accessibility level-indicator. The very top-level is the federal government which is tagged as update-accessibility level-6. Proceeding down through the levels, each lower level gets tagged with the  next  lower level indicator. As a consequence & as previously noted, we have level 6 being the national level, level 5 the state level, level 4 the county & district level, level 3 the city level, level 2 the precinct level. And again, this leaves levels 1 & 0 representing the individual user logon.  To be perfectly clear, this level indicator will be used to flag organizational administrative  areas of the database & to grant update permissions of those administrative areas to those user logons indicating the same level indicator. 


The middle-right part of the database diagram deals with the people logon accessible record-types. As previously stated, any individual, regardless of their level, (federal, state, county, city, precinct or voter) should be able to create a logon in order to make an online voter-id/candidate/voter ballot requests. However, just because they have a logon does not mean they can access or update any other part of the right hand side of the database. Where it may be possible for a person to create multiple logons and create multiple requests, the database will contain administrator tools to help curtail any one single person from obtaining more than one means of having access to the right hand side of the database. Furthermore, upon creating their logon, it will be tagged with an accessibility level = 0 to indicate the logon has no valid Voter-ID and will not have access to any record in the right hand side of the database other than the logon & candidate/ballot request records.

With respect to the citizen logon level indicator, level-1 will indicate the citizen voter or candidate has a valid & current Voter-ID. Level-2 will indicate the citizen is a precinct only administrator. Level-3 will indicate a city only administrator. Level-4 will indicate a county & district administrator. Level-5 will indicate a state administrator. And level-6 will be a national or federal administrator. Administrators will have update accessibility to their own level and the next lower level, but only read accessibility to any other level above or below.


Depending on the level of the request, the appropriate administrator would be able to confirm whether or not the requester has a current Voter-ID. If the requester does, then all the administrator has to do is create candidate or ballot record linkable to the request. But If the requester does not have a valid current Voter-ID, then he must submit proof of citizenship in his request. With this information, the administrator must check to verify it is okay to assign a new Voter-ID to the requester and then create candidate or ballot records linkable to the request. It should be that simple.

Of course, not every body may have a cell phone or computer. In this case they must go into the county registrars office to apply. And if they can’t do that, then a ballot notary is required.


The database would be maintained on a federal computer, where the feds might initialize Voter-ID records from a cleaned version of the State Department’s passport system allowing only citizen records to be used, non-citizen records being excluded. In addition, the feds would initialize the Nation and State ID records for each state , these being fixed entities. And for each State ID, the feds would create backdoor level-5 sign-ons with passwords to be used by the state for its administrative duties. This is reiterated in the following.


Original access will begin at the national level-6. For database initialization purposes, a backdoor administrator level-6 logon will be provided to create the National-ID record. And from this backdoor level-6 logon it will be possible to change any level-0 logon to another level-6 or level-5 administrator logon once the level 0 logon owner submits proof of citizenship either in person or via the logon online candidate/ballot request process. Any level-6 administrator will create the State-ID records, along with creating a backdoor level-5 administrator logon for each state.


In a similar fashion, each state’s backdoor level-5 logon will be able to change any level-0 logon to another level-5 or level-4 administrator logon once the level 0 logon owner submits proof of citizenship either in person or via the logon online candidate/ballot request process. Any level-5 administrator will create the County-ID records & District-ID records, along with creating a backdoor level-4 administrator logon for each county.


In a fashion similar to the state, each county would setup City-ID records, along with creating backdoor level-3 logons to be used by city administrators in conducting its elections.


In a fashion similar to the county, each city may elect to setup Precinct-ID records, along with creating backdoor level-2 logons to be used by the precinct administrators.


Obviously for each level of governance from city on up there exists departments & offices with positions to be filled, some of which are filled via elections. And so each level of government is responsible for defining those positions to be filled via election. These are the Office-ID records, and each year some or all of them may have vacancies to be filled by candidates.

This brings us to the creation of a candidate-link record by the appropriate level administrator. And how do we determine that?
The office record should have a field that identifies its level.


I have previous mentioned these record types before without being specific.

A CANDIDATE REQUEST will call out the specific Nation-ID, State-ID, County/ District-ID, & City-ID where applicable & the specific Office-ID. Assuming the would-be candidate is qualified & has a valid Voter-ID, the impacted administrator level will create a candidate link record for the year in question, thus establishing his candidacy.

It should be noted that there are times when there are non-candidate measures at the city, county, or state levels to be voted upon. These are identified as Propositions. They are identified in the same candidate link record-type which is accessible via the voter to the same candidate link record-type as used for candidate-to-office links.

A BALLOT REQUEST is simply a request to his lowest level of election administration to create links between his ballot request master & the candidate link records applicable to his geographic area.


The database is now ready for the voter to make his candidate selections by clicking the appropriate candidate-selection button in each appropriate voter-ballot-link record, at which time a write-permission lock is placed on the voter-ballot-link record. This would prevent anyone from changing candidate-selection button and the corresponding link to the selected candidate record.


For secrecy/privacy purposes all cast voter-ballot-link records should be locked from updating by anyone other than the voter and as soon as they are counted. With this one exception, all should be able to view any record at any time, thus providing complete transparency and veracity of an election. In other words, everyone can look anywhere but not touch.


In addition, currency of vote tabulation is essential. As soon as a voter has locked his voter-ballot record, his vote should be counted and tallies by candidate should be made available. Washington DC should be connected to each state & have access to each state database for the purpose of rolling up ballot totals for each national candidate by state.


Currency of the voter rolls is essential and a responsibility of the feds. Voters who have died would have their Voter-ID record flagged as such. But aside from that, there are bad players who would try to vote more than once. This should be averted by looking out for duplicate Voter-ID and ballot requests in & across all states.




What would be the advantages of an online real time election system?
First, the election should be completed within 2 days, if not sooner.
Second, the voter would cast his ballot directly into the database, thereby eliminating anybody other than the voter from touching his ballot.
Third, a voters ballot choices would remain unknown to anyone but the voter.
Fourth, since there is only one machine involved, auditing software should be comparatively, making it easy in identifying any other anomalies.


There will always be some ding dong who insists on having a paper ballot which necessitates having a batch input system.


Let’s begin with an analogy in the form of a picture on paper representing an invoice containing a list of purchased items. The top line appears only once & contains information common to all items listed as purchased . The top line is the header, or “master” record. The items listed are “detail” records. Now consider a stack of invoices that all have the same format. They all have the same “master record-type” with the same “detail record-type”.

A database is an electronic file cabinet for all these invoice “record-types”. To be more specific in electronic terms, a “record” is a fixed length string of data broken into “data-fields”, all representing something or having some particular meaning, and a “record-type” is the representation of the collection of all records having a common fixed data content, format & key sort field different from all other records. To look a record-type is the same as looking at the format of a specific record. A record-type is a template or example of what a record looks like. (Note: the word “record-type” is used interchangeably with the word “record”).

Returning to the database diagram, each box represents a “record-type”. You will see boxes around the periphery that have a little short arrow pointing at the box headed by an ellispse, a square or an “x” . These are “External Master Record-Types” which are the basic entree points into the database via their unique id data-fields. The ellispe heading on the arrow means read accessible to all. The square means update accessible to administrators only. The “X” is exclusive to the citizen logon.

You will see that the nation record-type (of which there there is only one for the USA) is directly read accessible by anyone based upon its nation ID. You will also see that each state record-type is directly read accessible by all based upon its unique state ID. The same holds true for the election year and zip code record-types. Another external access point is via each individual citizen’s exclusive login point. Finally, there are three other administrative access points necessary for validating citizen requests.

Outside of the External Master Record-Types, all other record-types are Internal-Detail-Record-Types accessible only through “Link Chaining” which is shown by a link chain line connecting a higher level master box to a lower level detail box. You might notice that each state record is not only accessible as an external master record, but is also accessible via the “Link Chain” from the nation record. By “Link Chaining” I mean there is a link field in each master record-type that points to the first record within a detail record-type, which in turn has a link field that points to the next record within the same record-type, and so on until the last record of that record-type which may or may not point back to the original master records. Note that an internal detail record-type in one link chain can be a master record-type in another chain. Hence, a completely accessible hierarchy is achieved.

Referring to the database diagram, with respect to link chain traversal, the default direction of link chain traversal is always forward from master to the first detail record and from current detail record to the next. if there is no arrow pointing to a detail record-type, it means that the master record is retrievable from any detail record by continuing to traverse the chain to the last detail record which contains the link back to the original master record. However, if there is an arrow pointing to the detail record type, it means the last record in the chain has its next record link null, thereby making it impossible to retrieve the master record of the chain.

To complete the picture, given a nation id of USA, one could directly access the USA record & then traverse the state chain to access all the states within the USA. Similarly, one could access all the counties within a state by first accessing the state record & then traversing the county chain. And so on.

Today’s average browser-to-website user should not find this method of navigation too difficult to understand.


The Real Threat:

The Virtual Precinct:



Before the advent of electronic banking, the use of a paper iou in the form of a check with the payor’s checking account number and hand written signature was sufficient for the bank to diminish the funds in the payor’s checking account. The only danger to the owner of a checking account came from the possibility of another person being able to to perfectly copy the hand written owner’s signature, something very improbable and easy to protect against occurring.

Then came the computer with its ability to perfectly copy the signature of a person. With a picture of the signature of a checking account owner and knowledge of the account number, it became much easier for thieves to do electronic forgery. The question now is, how to minimize this threat. And the answer would appear to be simple.

First, we nust realiaze that in order for the computer to copy a signature it can only do so in graphic mode. So what we need is a non-displayable text mode signature. And with online banking, we already have that non-displayable text mode signature in the form of a password. Therefore, any electronic transaction authorizing a bank to diminsh the funds in a checking account should require the password of the checking account owner. Should a bank fail in providing this security, then it should be held laible for any losses due to its negligence.




   We humans see ourselves in terms of position: vertical upright,
   horizontal on back, & horizontal on side.  These being our most
   common positions relative to Earth, they become the  3  basic
   dimensions that are seen as  3 linear axes orthogonal (at right
   angles) to each other. Furthermore, we think of measurable
   increments along each axis as being in the positive or negative
   direction depending upon their position relative to a zero point
   on the axis.   Such a concept gives us a 3-dimensional reference
   system that we see as absolute, albeit not necessarily so.    

   In mathematics unfortunately the plus and minus signs have two
   different meanings, depending upon the position relative to an
   operand. When touching an operand, it means the value of the
   operand is in the positive or negative direction along a linear axis.
   But it can also mean to add or subtract the operand in the absence
   of an explicit operator between two numbers.  And in the absence
   of a touching sign, the default is in the positive direction. When
   not touching an operand, it means addition or subtraction
   between two operands, ie,  it becomes an operator. So in an
   expression, there can be both directional signs and operational

   As a side note & not relevant to this discussion, a minus sign in
   front of an exponent means to raise the reciprocal of the base to
   the power indicated by the exponent.



   The imaginary number, i, is said to be the square root of -1 which
   is impossible, because according to current convention, there is no
   number multiplied by itself one time that yields a negative number.
   Lacking the ability to determine a numeric value, the square root
   of -1 is assigned the variable, “i” & complex numbers are
   mathematical expressions containing  “i”. A complex number is of
   the form (+or-)a +  (+or-)b * i, where “a” is the numerical offset,
   “b” is the numerical multiplicand, & “i” is the Multiplier. It is rare
   to see i * b, where “i”, as the Multiplier, precedes “b”, as the
   multiplicand. But that is going to change in this writing, as we
   shall soon see.



   The aforementioned indeterminate problem of not being able to
   evaluate “i” arises from the fact that mathematicians established
   NUMBER SHOULD BE POSITIVE.  Furthermore, they
   conclusions arose due to the distributive law of mathematics.
   Let me state here my belief that when it comes to groupings
   via ( ..), the order of operations should dictate that expressions
   within a group should be evaluated first. But I will not quibble
   over the distributive law.



   These current-day conventions affecting a change in value
   resulting from multiplication can be expressed as follows:

            M = multiplier/operator

             m = multiplicand/operand

              “*” means times,
              (not to be confused with “**” which means exponent of)

             R = resulting product



      Accumulation Of Positives:
         Plus times Plus = Plus
             +M * +m  =  +R
                     Add +m  to the current value  M times.
                  OR GRAPHICALLY,
                     Relative to the current point,
                     go right M times in increments of |m|.  
                   +3 * +2 =  +2 + 2 + 2 = 6

      Accumulation Of Negatives:
         Plus times Minus = Minus
            +M * -m  =  -R   
                   Add -m  to current value M times.
                OR GRAPHICALLY,
                   Relative to the current point,
                    go left M times in increments of |m|.  
                +3  *  -2  =   0  + ( –  2  – 2  – 2)
                                =  0 + – ( 2 + 2   + 2)   =   -6



      Decumulation Of Positives:
         Minus times Plus = Minus  
            -M * +m   =  -R
                Subtract +m  from the current value  M  times..
             OR GRAPHICALLY,
                Relative to the current point,
                go left M times in increments of |m|.  
                 -3 * +2  =   0  +   -( 2 + 2 + 2)   =    – 6

      Decumulation Of Negatives:
          Minus times Minus = Plus
             -M * -m  =  +R
                  Subtract -m  from current value  M  times.
               OR GRAPHICALLY,
                  Relative to the current point,
                  go right M times in increments of |m|.
               -3 * -2  = – ( -2) – (-2) – (-2 ) 
                           =  + 2 + 2 +2 = +6 

   Observe that I have identified two different types of multiplication,
   “accumulative” and “decumulative”. I make this distinction
   because accumulative  multiplication requires repetitive addition,
   where decumulative multiplication requires repetitive subtraction.

   Also, we note that the sign of the product resulting from the
   repetitive multiplication of a negative multiplicand  alternates
   between + on even repetitions & – on odd repetitions.  In other
   words, a successive number of subtractions of a negative number
   from itself ALTERNATES BETWEEN + & -.  This alternation
   does not appear anywhere else.  So this behavior is seen as



   By insisting that the Multiplier always occurs in front of the
   multiplicand, we can clearly see that, among other things, a
   negative Multiplier means decumulation, whereas a positive
   Multiplier means accumulation. Aside from this fact, we might
   speculate that there could be other meanings in addition. What
   those could be, we are about to find out. 

   Moving on, we might assert that the Multiplier,M, reside on an
   M-axis different from the multiplicand,m, on a separate m-axis,
   with the two axes intersecting each other orthogonally at right
   angles. So the visual graphic of the Multiplier in relation to the
   multiplicand becomes a 2-dimensional planar picture with each
   axis having its own set of + & – directions, rather than just a
   simple 1-dimensional linear graphic.

             THIS                                  NOT JUST THIS

                  |  +                                                                              
       – ——0——- + M-axis        –  ———0———+ M & m
                  | –                              (We are not just talking candy here)

   Given this distinction, we can now begin to think in terms of:

               X-MULTIPLICATION) ,


          (aka, DOT-MULTIPLICATION
                 SCALAR-MULTIPLICATION) .

   The difference is as follows.

   Vector dot multiplication results in a simple 1-dimensional product
   (called the dot-product) that resides on the same axis as the
   Multiplier & multiplicand. Up to now, current conventional
   multiplication has always been equivalent to vector dot
   multiplication for both accumulative and decumulative
   multiplication. But that is about to change, as we are about to
   change decumulative multiplication from vector dot to vector
   cross multiplication. The mathematical expression for computing
   the vector cross product is given as:

    R = M * m

   Vector cross multiplication results in a  product (called the
   cross-product) that is uniquely identified with a direction which
   is orthogonal to directions identified by the M-axis & the m-axis.,
   & whose numerical value is the simple product of the two
   numerical values further multiplied by the sine of the smallest
   angle, @, between the two vectors, M and m.  The mathematical
   expression for computing the vector cross product is given as:

   R = M X m = M * m*  sine(@) .

   So we now have two methods of multiplication, with
   cross-multiplication giving us a clearer 3-dimensional/directional
   picture shown as follows.

                   + m-axis              + R-axis  = CROSS PRODUCT AXIS 
                            ^                        /\
                             |                      ‘ 
                             |                  ‘             
                             |            R1 = (M1 X m1) * sine(90) /
                           m1       ‘     
                              |    ‘
      -M————–0———— M1 ——–> + M-axis
                        ‘     |    @ = -90   
                    ‘         |
                ‘             |
            ‘                 |
      -R                  -m   

   We now proceed to examine the deeper meanings of the
   cross-multiplication method.  



   We’ve started out saying that M-axis was orthogonal to
   m-axis for the sake of simplicity. But the cross-product
   approach says that such is not always the case when it comes
   to vectors, because @ can take on any value between +90
   degrees and -90 degrees as the shortest path between the
   sides of the angle. And this has consequences for both the
   numerical value of the resultant, R, its dimension & its
   positive versus negative directions.        

   Before we go any further, we need to have a clear understanding 
   of how we view angles from a fixed observation point. Then we
   need to know what the sine of an angle is. And finally, we can
   discuss what role the of the angle between the Multiplier &
   multiplicand might be.     


       Envision the face of your clock where the M-axis is a straight
       line running from 12 to 6 in a negative direction & the m-axis
       is a straight line running from 9 to 3 in a positive direction.
       Progressing clockwise, we consider 12 o’clock to be +0
       degrees, & relative to it we recon 3 o’clock to be +90 degrees,
       6 o’clock to be +180 degrees, & 9 o’clock to be  +270 degrees.
       But progressing counter-clockwise from 12 o’clock, we
       consider +270 degrees to be -90 degrees & +180 degrees
       to be -0 degrees. So in this scenario, 12 o’clock is the reference
       side of any angle from it. And because we have aligned the 
       M-axis with 12 o’clock, the M-axis is also the reference side
       of any angle at which the m-axis intersects it.  Furthermore,
       should the M-axis be in a direction other than 12  o’clock,
       then the M-axis should remain the reference side of the 
       angle, @.  

       Therefore, the plus or minus direction of the angle,@,  between
       the M-axis and the m-axis depends upon whether or not we go
       clockwise or counterclockwise from the M-axis to the m-axis.
       And the shortest path from M to m will dictate whether we 
       proceed clockwise or counterclockwise from M.

       Now what about the sine of @? Without going into too much
      detail about what is meant by the sine of an angle, it is enough
       to say that the sine( +0  degrees) is +0, the sine(+90 degrees) is
      +1, the  sine(-0 degrees) is -0, & the sine(-90 degrees) is -1.
      So the sine of an angle acquires the same sign as the sign of the
      angle. If the angle is negative,  its sine is negative. If the angle is
      positive, its sine is positive.

       We now have to determine in what direction the product
       points, plus or minus, along  the resulting orthogonal axis. 

       Traditional vector math calls for the application of the RIGHT
       HAND THUMB RULE.  Finding this to be a little too
       nebulous to explain, I will only mention that the index
       finger should be the multiplicand. I leave it there.

       As an option, I would suggest discounting the sign of the
       Multiplier and applying the sign arising from the sine(@) 
       to the sign of the multiplicand to determine the sign of the



   Having identified two different, but similar forms of
   multiplication, we now ask,”Are we using the correct form
   of multiplication for each?”. After all, we see some unexplainable
   differences between decumulative & accumulative operations.
   So let’s try applying vector cross-computation to multiplication
   instead of dot-computation. 

   We can now see that cross-multiplication not only results
   in a product pointing in an orthogonal direction away from 
   the directions of the Multiplier & multiplicand, but can
   yield an absolute value entirely different from today’s
   conventional multiplication, especially if the sine(@) is
    other than +1 or -1. Therefore, we ask “Which value(s)
   +1 or -1  would yield the same results as todays

   The answer(s) are clear. For accumulative
   multiplication, we need a sine(@) = +1, ie, @ = +90.
   For decumulative multiplication we need sine(@) = -1,
   ie. @ = -90. With this understanding,  we now modify the
   current conventions by simply replacing  the * operator with
   the X operator and adding the (sine @),   making @ = +90
   for  accumulative  & @ = -90 for decunulative

            M = multiplier/operator

            m = multiplicand/operand

            “*” means times,
            (not to be confused with “**” which means exponent of)

            “X” means vector cross multiplication,
            (not to be confused with  variable “x” )

            “@” is the smallest angle between the M-axis & m-axis.
                    It is plus (+) if the shortest distance
                    from the M-axis to the m-axis is clockwise.
                    It is minus (-) if counterclockwise.   

             R = resulting product


       For accumulative multiplication, +90 degrees is appropriate.
       In order for the resultant product, R, to become the same
       value as determined by vector dot multiplication, the value
       of sine(@) must equal +1, which means the angle, @, between
       the +M-axis and +m-axis must be  +90  degrees.
        @ = +90,   sine(+90) = +1 

      Accumulation Of Positives: 
         Plus times Plus = Plus 
         R =  +M X (+m)
              = |+M| * (+m) * sine(@) 
              = |+M| * (+m) * sine (+90) 
              = |+M| * (+m) * (+1)
              =  |+M| * (+m)
              = + (M * m)

      Accumulation Of Negatives:
         Plus times Minus = Minus 
         R =  +M X (-m)
              = |+M| * (-m) * sine(@) 
              = |+M| * (-m) * sine (+90) 
              = |+M| * (-m) * (+1)
              = |+M| * (-m)
              = – (M * m) 

      For decumulative multiplication, -90 degrees works.
      In order for the resultant product, R, to become the same
      value as determined by vector dot multiplication, the value
      of sine(@) must equal -1, which means the angle, @, between
      the +M-axis and +m-axis must be  -90. 
      @ = -90,   sine(-90) = -1

      Decumulation Of Positives: 
         Minus times Plus = Minus 
         R =  -M X (+m)
              = |-M| * (+m) * sine(@) 
              = |-M| * (+m) * sine (-90) 
              = |-M| * (+m) * (-1)
              =  |-M| * (-m)
              = – (M * m)

      Decumulation Of Negatives:
         Minus times Minlus = Plus 
         R =  -M X (-m)
              = |-M| * (-m) * sine(@) 
              = |-M| * (-m) * sine (-90) 
              = |-M| * (-m) * (-1)
              = |-M| * (+m)
              = + (M * m)


   Note that I did not recognize or apply the sign of the Multiplier. It
   was unnecessary when the sine(@) was included. Of course, I
   could have made @ = +90 for the decumulative operation. But
   then there still needed to be some explanation for the differences
   from accumulative cross-multiplication.



       The fact that the resultant product of M1 X m1, R1, always
       resides in the direction orthogonal to the plane of the M-axis/
       m-axis, only one possible direction is left in which  R may
       reside, that direction being identified as the R-axis. And if that
       resultant  product, R1, now becomes the multiplicand, m2, of
       a 2nd such computation involving a new M2, then the direction
       of the new resultant  product, R2, must be on the same  axis as
       the previous multiplicand, m1. And  if that product, R2,
       becomes the next multiplicand  m3, on a 3rd such computation,
       then the direction of the new resultant product, R3, must be in
       the same direction as R1.  In other words, given a succession
       of repetitive vector cross-multiplications & where the
       resulting product becomes the next multiplicand, the R-axis
       switches positions with the m-axis & reverses its negative &
       positive directions.          


       The placement of the product appears as a positive on the 
       R-axis & as a negative on the m-axis  in alternating order
       due to the right-hand thumb rule flip-flopping with each
       iteration of computing the cross-product.

       This explains why a repetitious negative times a negative 
       equals a positive R1 on the R-axis, followed by a negative
       R2  on the m-axis,  followed by a positive R3  back on the 
       R-axis. It gives the appearance of a pulsating R-axis
       acting as a binary switch between + & -. 


       If we conduct a succession of decumulative-cross 
       multiplications of -i , assuming @ = 90 degrees, we get:

        (Cycle begins)

       (-i)**2 = -i  X -i   =  +i**2  =  -1   ( R1 to the R-axis)
       (-i)**3 = -i X -1  =  -1 X -i  = +i     (R2 to the m-axis)
        (-i)**4 = -i X +i  =                   +1   (R3 to the R-axis?)
        (-i)**5 = -i X +1  =                    -i   ( R4 to the m-axis?)
        (Cycle starts over)                       |               
        (-i)**6 = -i X  -i   =                    -1  (R5 to the R-axis?)                                                             

        Powers of (-i) confirmed by internet.

        Of great interest here is the observation that the successive 
        multiplications oscillate between real rational numbers and
        imaginary irrational + & – i.  We must ask, ” is i the basic 
        unit of measure in the world of irrational numbers?”. 

        NOTE:  e**i*pi = -1     where e is Eulers irrational constant.



   1. We have identified two distinct forms of multiplication, ie,
       accumulative vs decumulative multiplication, the difference
       being the accumulative form is a series of additions whereas
       the decumulative form is a series of subtractions. 
       The sign of the Multiplier, M, identifies which form it is.

   2. We have identified two methods of multiplication, dot-product
        multiplication and cross-product multiplication, We have
        adopted  cross-product as the proper method to be used in both
        accumulative and decumulative multiplication. In doing so,
        we recognize the angle between  between the Multiplier &
        multiplicand to be +90 degrees for accumulative multiplication
        as opposed to -90 degrees for decumulative multiplication. 
        As a result, the sign of the Multiplier does not enter into the 
        computation of the product. 

    3. The angle, @, from the Multiplier to the multiplicand is
           normally +90 degrees in order to make the sine(@) = +1,
           thereby confirming that the M-axis is normally orthogonal
           to the m–axis, albeit not eliminating other possibilities for
           values of angle @, resulting in a wide variety of product
           values and plus or minus direction.

   4. The fact that both operands, M & m,  reside on a different axis
       as vectors means that the communitive law no longer applies,
       disproving the idea that a minus times a plus is the same as
       a plus times a ninus. It becomes like saying
       6 cats are the same as 6 dogs.

   Nothing has been done to change anything outside the realm of
   conventional arithmetic & mathematics.  Rather we have found
   old precepts to be applied in new ways to open the door to
   understanding some areas that left us perplexed. As a result, we
   have uncovered a new way of perceiving multiplication, resulting
   in the identification of decumulative multiplication as distinct
   from traditional accumulative multiplication. We have  uncovered
   some interesting details about how we can graphically interpret
   multiplication that involves what we call “direction” Finally, we
   have shed important new light on an entity that has kept its
   meaning hidden from us for so long,
   ie, the imaginary number,  “i”.    



can leave us confused with terminology if we are not careful. Binary thinking can be myopic and lead to the wrong actions.

Just as there are the 3 contrasting spacial directions of left vs right, up vs down, & forward vs backward, there are contrasting terms to describe political position. So here is a list that is far more than 3 dimensional.

communism vs capitalism
(gov vs
private ownership)

socialism vs individualism
(conformity vs

fascism vs libertarianism
(restrictive vs

liberal vs consevative
(disregard vs
careful thought)

tyranny vs democracy
(one vs
two party rule)

globalism vs nationalism

left vs right
(an aggregate
of the above)

So which would you rather be

(See the movie I DELORES on TUBI)


To be a “Democrat” means you believe in citizen election systems. It is derived from the Greek word, “democracy”. Democrats tend not to believe in a “republican” form of government. To be a “Republican” means you believe in a representative form of government. However, in a “republic” representatives can be appointed or elected. So it is critical to qualify what type of “Republican” one is. Current qualifiers include “left/liberal”, “centrist/moderate”, and “right/conservative”. And these same qualifiers apply to Democrats. However, this somewhat binary description can be misleading if we do not know the difference between “left” and “right”. So it is important to drill down as to the exact meaning, which is the reason for the preceding contrast of terms.

It really matters not whether one is a democrat or republican. What does matter is the specific type of democrat or republican one is. And this is where “socialism” comes in. Socialism stands in contrast to individualism, which means collective conforming demands as opposed to individual independency. The danger exists of demands for conformity turning into demands for compliance, which can turn into tyranny. Socialism can and does often become the pathway the injustice “fascism” or “communism”, and hence, tyranny.


A key question to ask ourselves is: Under what circumstances is independence vs unity justified? Commonality is definitely a factor in support of unity. But geographical distance, language and cultural differences are factors supporting independence.

Certainly, a one world government is far from desirable. But neither is a chaotic unruly free for all world.

Moderation in all aspects of life is the best optimization in governing life.

Before the current democrats came along, we had that. But now Biden is crushing it.


More than likely, the Biden admin sees today’s US nationalists as the equivalent of the violent Irish Republican Army. This is what we call “STEREO TYPING”. And it is completely wrong.

Irish Nationalists want(ed) complete separation and independence from England. US nationalists don’t want separation, BUT MERELY WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO DO ITS JOB PROTECTING THE BORDERS. So the Biden admin has done an immense disservice to US nationalists.

This little history of Irish Republicanism may be where we are in the US.

Further reading of political history reveals that “radicalism” is unique to the left as opposed to “social conservatism”

Today’s Biden admin has all the ear marks of radicalism.

Until seeing the documentary I DELORES, it had always bothered me that the IRA called themselves “Republican”. But that movie showed they considered themselves “SOCIALIST” Republicans as opposed to “TRADITIONAL” Republicans who they hated.

So once again we have socialists waging war and violence. Nothing new.

In 1921 Britain gave independence to Ireland. But six Northern counties wanted to remain in in the UK. This was not good enough for the. greedy IRA. So they began a war of crime and violence, just like all “socialists”.

Socialists call themselves “republican”. But that is a lie, because they only represent themselves. Socialists call themselves “democratic”. But that is a lie, because they do not honor a two party system. Socialists claim to support human rights. But that is a lie, because they cancel freedom of speech and imprison political adversaries.

Socialist politicians exploit minority malcontent to cause violence for the purpose of attaining power over police and military to use in over throwing our form of government. Their ruse has nothing to do with “human rights”. CS LEWIS.
“You might think that your love for humanity is sufficient to justify any other action. BUT THE MINUTE YOU MAKE ONE CAUSE YOUR ENTIRE PURPOSE, YOU FIND YOURSELF FALSIFYING EVIDENCE AND BECOMING A TREACHEROUS PERSON.”


One word… JUSTICE.

Before Obama was elected in 2008, the border crisis was already under way, with California already in the control of left wing nut jobs calling everyone opposed to opened borders a “racist”. And then, Jamiel Shaw, a young black kid just out of high school with a promising football career was shot and murdered by an illegal right in front of his home, while his mother was serving in Iraq. We watched the pain and suffering of this family as they sought justice from the so called “virtuous” democrats in LA who denied this family from being heard and comforted in their loss, thereby exposing once and for all the Democrats absolute lies and hypocrisy.

When Donald Trump was running for POTUS in 2016, his first thing was to give air to Mr Shaw, Jamiel’s father.
Donald Trump is the REAL THING. If you truly want truth and justice, then put him back in charge.



More patriotic news sites than the disgusting broadcast news



The Real Answer To Abortion and Over Population



Where secession could be a solution to our current problems, it may not be the ultimate solution. Why? Because there would be no guarantee that the disgusting offensive liberal democrats who would disrupt the culture could be kept out of the reconstituted country, that is unless a severe restriction and treatment of those people was implemented, including a list identifying all such violent individuals. Let’s face it. There is a sickness in this country as bad as, if not worse than covid-19. It is called TDS, Trump Derrangement Syndrome, which really has less to do with Trump as it does with personal hatred and propensity for violence. A mere secession probably would not stop its spread.

So we ask what is left short of seceding? It is clear that the fighting is going to continue and get a lot rougher and bloodier. There is absolutely no way that what has transpired with respect to this election is in any way acceptable. People simply do not want to live in or under a government that has trashed its Constitution in refusing to uphold it, a government that is built on lies, slander, avarice, complacency and corruption. The only answer is to subdue at all cost the enemy that has hi-jacked our nation. But secession would help to establish a better safe harbor for those not infected with TDS.



17 states have joined Texas in law suit against 4 renegade states (Pa, Mi, Mn, & Ga) in election fraud to be heard in the Supreme Court, which now makes 1/3 of the states adverse to the manner in which this election was conducted. Negligence on the part of the Supreme Court in this matter is an invitation to civil war. This should be obvious to anyone


I never thought I would say this, but if this fraudulent national election is not properly audited and adjudicated , THEN SECESSION SHOULD BE ON THE TABLE. WHO WANTS A GOVERNMENT RUN BY LIARS, CHEATERS, SLANDERERS, and WHO BASTARDIZE THE CONSTITUTION INTO COMPLETE CORRUPTION?

States Seceding From The Union? Who would blame them? Why continue to take part in a hypocritical corrupt government that refuses to mend its fraudulent election system? It is not that we want a specific person to win. Rather it is we want a government that is fair, transparent, honest, and true to its citizens. At this point, we have none of that in our government. It is really a complete disgrace and has been for years, excluding the work of President Trump.

“BUT”, you say, “What about national security?”. WHAT NATIONAL SECURITY? THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS HAVE DONE EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO DESTROY OUR NATIONAL SECURITY, including open borders, selling 20% of our uranium to Russia, giving billions to Iran, making back office deals with China and the Ukraine, allowing violence & terrorism to flourish in Oregon, Washington, etc, letting violent murderers out of prison, defunding police, threatening to eliminate the 2nd amendment, ………just to mention a few things.

Are we really so dependent upon the current national government that we cant live without it and have to conform to its negligence, treason and lawlessness? There is a word for that. It’s called EXTORTION, one of the oldest mobster scams in the book. And as long as you bow to it, you are a slave.

Texas, which has taken the lead in prosecuting this fraudulent election and where mention of secession is being made, would certainly make sense as a separate national regime head since it sits on huge oil reserves. And it would be nice to have at least one place in the northern part of the western hemisphere where conservatives would not have to put up with liberal nonsense.

But of course, the old regime would insist upon those seceding states to remain in the Union, and visit war upon them just as the western Ukraine did to its eastern part in 2013-14. It is unbecoming of a regime to behave like a tyrannical husband who says “You can’t leave me or I’ll kill you”. Tyranny is ever present even in those places where those in power claim to be humanitarian and democratic. So a hot war could be expected.

This would take us to the question of the US military intervention. Soldiers took an oath to uphold the US Constitution. But the US Constitution is continuously trampled over by hypocritical liberal democrats. So the question for soldiers should be, which side will uphold the principles set forth in the Constitution, not who is in power?

This would not be the same as the Civil War of old where slavery was the main issue, and against which the northern states were justified. Rather the issue would be over the corruption of the existing federal government. However, it is interesting to note that those states joining with Texas in its law suit are more or less the same states that formed the old Confederate nation with a few other states which were part of Lincoln’s Union. Of course, the existing regime will falsely accuse those states of being “racists” or some other false accusation for the purposes of propaganda. But this is nothing more than an outright lie perpetrated by the lying liberal left.

In the absence of separate regimes, the only other possibility better than continuing down the path of hypocritical liberal corruption is to allow what happened in Chile back a few decades ago, ie, a military junta taking over government control. But there is no guarantee of that working out favorably either.