

Why Is It Important To Restrict Access To This Country?

Three Words:
Portable Nuclear Bombs

Over the years we have witness an increase in a mentality that is willing to blow itself up along with its preceived adversaries in an act of alleged justice. This makes it imperative that access to dangerous technology be highly guarded from falling into the wrong hands. This is the real problem facing humanity today. And we must not forget that fact.

Joe Biden appears to have forgotten that by allowing anybody and everybody into this country without proper vetting. In so doing, he has increased the probability of some nutjob acquiring access to dangerous technology.

Then there are those who say “Well, nuclear bomb technology has become so proliferated that it makes no difference what we do. So we might as well give up and let the nutjobs have their way.” WRONG. As long as there is one ounce of rationality left in the world, that glimmer of hope needs to be maintained.

One thing is for certain. To make “global warming” the central theme in global politics rather than protecting the world from nuclear proliferation is completely irresponsible. And what does DEI have to do with protecting the world? NOT ONE DAMN THING. DEI = Divisive Efforts and Injustice. It is interesting to note that DEI spelled backwards is IED, Improvised Explosive Device.

The RIGHT STRATEGY to defend against nuclear attacks from the air is Reagan’s STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE. But to protect against nulear IED attacks, the border must be highly restricted with RBA, not open borders. And you cant have either protections if you persist in pursuing green energy, electric cars, and DEI to the exclusion of all else.